Great Reads For You

Suggested Reading

Strengthen your mind and spirit. These great reads are a fantastic place to start on your journey to achieve balance and harmony in your life. I’ve learned from each of these books, and I hope you will not only enjoy reading them but also will share with family, friends, and colleagues. Happy reading!

VerAegis – The Legacy Series

Author James M. Haden (Jim) has recognized a unique balance shared by people who ‘have it and keep it all together.’ Most self-improvement books focus on work, or home, physical health, mental health, or spiritual well-being. VerAegis pulls it all together so we each can enjoy this remarkable balance.

In writing VerAegis, The Legacy Series, Jim has shared many of his experiences and life’s lessons. He has covered some profound topics while attempting to keep it straightforward and fun. This book series is designed to be an entertaining and informative reference for all aspects of everyday life. To be open and considerate when others are forthcoming and respectful is easy, but to do so in the face of adversity is difficult. Master habits to orchestrate your legacy under all circumstances. You will be stimulated and challenged and hopefully, will discover something useful, perhaps even life-changing, as you read and reread these books. Today, how others perceive and remember you is too important to leave to chance! Start developing new healthy habits today.

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