Learn to manage change, or change will govern you!

 Achieve a dynamic balance between relationships, contribution, and spirit! 

Masterfully orchestrate what you do, who you do it with, and how you do it!

With newfound balance and skills, we significantly expand our comfort zones.

VerAegis LifeLine: Achieve a Dynamic Balance in Life Like You Have Never Experienced Before!

The word VerAegis signifies a unique and dynamic balance in life. I’m excited to share VerAegis LifeLine because this fragile balance between relationships, contribution, and spirit is our key to orchestrating a meaningful and lasting legacy. In fact,  VerAegis is an evocative word derived from Veracity and Aegis, together invoking the essence of courage–being considerately courageous. Take heart; VerAegis LifeLine opens the door for all who wish to make this balance happen!

Orchestrate Your Legacy

VerAegis LifeLine is a road-map showing each of us how to manage the change we desire in our lives. Readers will comfortably complete a chapter per week, each, of which, includes a summary of the corresponding section from all of the previous three VerAegis books (Relationships, Contribution, and Spirit). Next is a list of personal investigation questions which inspire individual thought and motivate discussion within small groups or teams. Finally, at the end of each chapter, personal reflection, and skillwork sections encourage us to collect our thoughts while facilitating management of the See-Plan-Do-Get change control process as we endeavor to establish new, healthier habits.

Envision a Better Future and Take the Steps Necessary to Make it Happen

VerAegis LifeLine is a comprehensive guide that leads you, your family, friends, and colleagues through a step by step process to achieve balance. Incredibly, by reading and completing the skillwork contained within each chapter, we develop the skills, insight, and habits necessary to nurture fulfilling relationships, contribute meaningfully, and empower our spirits. We master techniques that enable us to achieve an incredible balance in life; leading to genuine happiness. Ultimately, with balance and newly developed skills, we significantly expand our comfort zones. Ultimately, we connect with an infinite source of strength, wisdom, and love to navigate through life, manage change, and help others; inspiring them to “pay it forward.”

Foster fulfilling relationships. Live your life, touch another!
Can you imagine a better way to create a legacy?

Unbind the shackles of temptation, anger, and unhealthy habits, begin to live beyond your comfort zone.  We all face times of stress, heartache, and pain; how we respond is our choice. Dare to live life to its fullest. Endeavor to direct your lasting legacy.

VerAegis LifeLine is available at Amazon.com

Begin, today, to manage the change you wish to see in your life!

LifeLine: Envision a better future and take the steps necessary to make it happen!

Our Response, Action or Inaction, is Our Choice
Whether we nurture or neglect our relationships, who we travel with down the road of life has a powerful impact on our happiness. We all face times of stress, heartache, and pain; how we respond is our choice. Dare to live life to its fullest. Endeavor to direct your lasting legacy.

Read all The books of the Legacy Series and dare to be VerAegis.

Develop and nurture fulfilling relationships.

Establish a meaningful and lasting contribution.

And Ignite an unstoppable spirit.

VerAegis signifies a unique and dynamic balance in life. This fragile balance between relationships, contribution, and spirit is core to orchestrating a meaningful and lasting legacy.

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