Create and Share a Vision

Imagine being courteous when others bluster about like two-year-olds having temper tantrums, or being open when others shut down and withdraw in the face of conflict. Imagine walking away from temptation without regret and refusing to do what we know is wrong even when no witnesses are watching. Our need to balance courage and consideration runs deep, whether mastering our anger, overcoming fears, or stiff arming unhealthy desires.

Imagine a new you and create a vision of how you wish to respond to anger and temptation. Pray. Share your vision with friends, family, loved ones. Next, establish shorter-term goals, and tasks, set priorities and act. Faith without action is dead! Pray then act.

Imagine being able to balance courage and consideration in every and all situations.

Act With Integrity, Courage, and Consideration

Once armed with our vision, effectiveness requires the integrity to set and work on priorities in such a way that we obtain our desired results time and time again. In other words, we interact with a balance of courage and consideration. Begin to imagine what you wish the future to hold. Some (surprisingly few) people don’t require documented plans or goals to be continuously effective over the long term; the rest of us benefit greatly from a systematic process to continually achieve our desired results. Whether motivated to move from point A to point B, to create intimate relationships, to be at peace with self and others, or to live life to the fullest, enjoying every minute, it undoubtedly helps to create a vision of our desired future— where and who we wish to be.

Next, be honest about where you are today, noting the gaps between your present situation and your vision of the ideal future. Quantify the deficiencies. Identify which differences are easiest to fill and which gaps, when filled, will yield the greatest benefit.

Be Creative. Be Systematic.

Create goals. Prioritize. Create more simple to execute next steps (tasks); nothing too crazy. Identify the highest priorities. Determine if you are capable of executing the plans. If not, what help do you need to prepare, train, and then implement? Finally, get started,  evaluate progress, and make adjustments (course correct) as necessary. (Learn more about setting and achieving goals)

This brief outline for managing change may seem simplistic (perhaps it is), but it is not easy. Even when planning to change only ourselves, we will face trials and tribulations. But if our vision is worth achieving, we will persevere forging a path to success. Don’t forget to pray. You may feel that you don’t have the strength, wisdom, or skills. Pray for Jesus to show you the way. He has all we need.


While on this journey, we are responsible for and can control our actions and responses, but we can only influence the behavior and actions of others. Our strongest influence of others is to model the behavior we desire to see.

Adapted from VerAegis Contribution: Live beyond Your Comfort Zone (The Legacy Series Book 2) (pp. 13-16). Kindle Edition.

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